
Master UI Design:

From novice to pro with real-world projects

Dive deep into UI design through hands-on experience with real client briefs, guided by top industry experts, and join a vibrant community of designers!

The perfect course for creative minds eyeing a digital career. Delve into a comprehensive learning journey filled with live examples, strategic insights, and practical design feedback! You’ll learn to craft beautiful user interfaces and unlock an entry point into the tech industry!


Here’s what you’ll learn

From concept to completion, you’ll learn to craft stunning interfaces for any app or site. Dive into pixel-perfect user interface design with our expert-led online course!

In just three months, you’ll

  • master the essentials of UI design, focusing on typography, layout, grid systems, and color for mobile and desktop interfaces.
  • discover the dynamics of working as a designer within agencies, large corporations, and startup product teams
  • explore UX Design fundamentals with a dedicated 2-week focus, learning to make your designs accessible and user-friendly.
  • discover basic animation and illustration techniques to add flair to your designs.
  • learn the art of designer-developer collaboration, creating visually appealing designs ready for developer integration.
  • Advance your skills with in-depth training in Figma, learn Framer, and Webflow, while integrating AI tools like ChatGPT, Midjourney, and Relume into your design workflow

Mastery meets innovation​

This UI Course merges the expertise of Codecool and UI Academy, ensuring our students acquire the highest level of knowledge. The training integrates the latest trends and industry best practices. With your new skills and knowledge, you can change the course of your career!

Course details

UI Design course

Location: online (mentor led online courses)
Planned start date: Fall 2024
Lenght: 3 months (14 weeks + 1 week for final presentations)
Schedule: Wednesdays 18:00-19:30, Saturdays 10:00-14:00 (CET), every second Thursday: 18:00 - mentor consultation
Language: English
Course fee: 2600 EUR (or in instalments: 3 x 900 EUR) )
VISA: Please note that enrolling in our course DOES NOT come with a VISA

How the course will go

Each week, our experts will delve into a different aspect of UI design, guiding you through developing a landing page and a mobile app design. These projects will help you build a junior portfolio by the course’s end. Expect to dedicate 10-15 hours weekly to refining these projects. 

You’ll also have bi-weekly check-ins with a mentor to ensure you’re on track. Our interactive Saturday workshops, lasting four hours, will offer deeper insights into the week’s topic, provide additional information, and allow for discussion on project progress. 

All sessions will be held online, including lectures, mentor consultations, and workshops (via Zoom and Discord).

Aktives Zuhören

18:00 – 19:30: Weekly lecture


from 18:00: Mentor consultations, ca. 20 mins / person is compulsory in every 2nd week

Web Architektur Design

10:00 – 14:00: Workshop

During the week
10-15 hours/week of individual work (Solving challenges and learning at home)​

The curriculum

  • The past and present of UI Design
  • The fundations of digital branding
  • Basics of pixel-perfect design, grids, responsive design
  • Typography basics: using fonts in web design
  • Color Theory
  • Art Direction & UI Design
  • Figma Advanced
  • Your first design system
  • Design critique
  • Mobil Brief/Preparing for your first critique
  • UX basics
  • Connecting UX and UI
  • Usability test
  • Mobile Design 1
  • Motion Design and UI
  • Animation
  • Mobile Design 2 – Platforms & patterns
  • Your first portfolio, in Framer
  • How to make a powerful presentation
  • AI in UI design
  • Design critique with your mentors

21st century tools

Who do you learn from?

Who is the course for?

Want to change careers to a creative digital field? Feel free to start the course without prior UI design knowledge. If you’re interested in creating exciting designs that captivate users, starting from the basics, this course is right for you. And no worries – this UI course steers clear of coding. But it will be a plus if you have a keen eye for detail, some design foundations, and good problem-solving skills. This course is crafted to elevate you from beginner to professional in UI Design, regardless of your starting point. While it’s tailored for beginners, those with a visual or design background will also find valuable insights to enhance their skills.

You could also benefit from the course if you’re:

  • a UX designer or researcher elevating their skillset in crafting detailed prototypes.
  • a graphic designer wanting to shift gears and learn digital design.
  • a digital entrepreneur ready to pitch ideas with flair.
  • a developer seeking to blend design with tech skills.
  • a project/account/marketing manager keen on smoothing client-team interactions.

Where you can find UI Academy graduates:

What’s unique about this course

Building your design portfolio
By the end of our course, you’ll not only have laid the groundwork for an impressive portfolio (including a landing page and a mobile app design) but also possess the skills to expand it.
Getting ready for real-life scenarios
Gain insights from over 20 mentors from top firms to startups. We’ll ensure you master collaboration with clients, front-end teams, and UX experts.
A focus on marketable skills only
Our course is crafted to build your knowledge quickly; you’ll learn everything from UX basics to UI animation and Design Systems. And with the knowledge acquired, a new career in UI design will be of reach.
Receive 1-on-1 feedback
To enhance your design journey, you’ll gain invaluable, constructive insights throughout the course from design experts. We’ll help to shape your robust portfolio until the course’s end.

Course fee

You can pay the course fee in one sum upfront or conveniently in 3 equal instalments.
Tuition fee payment methods


In one sum

2600 EUR



In installments

2700 EUR

900 EUR x 3

There are no hidden costs, the prices above include VAT.

Got what it takes?

Feel free to start the course without pre-existing UI knowledge. Still, there are a couple of prerequisites to consider:

  • The course materials and lectures will all be in English. So it’s preferable to have a B2 level to complete the course.
  • You should have a computer or borrow one for the course, on which you can install the necessary programs.
  • You must ensure that you can dedicate at least 10-15 hours per week to the course, including the 1.5-hour lectures and 4-hour workshops on weekends, accompanied by homework assignments. Though every session is recorded and can be viewed later, we expect an attendance rate of at least 80%.
Got questions?
Ask our team for a course consultation session at [email protected], and they will help to sort out any hesitation you might have.


Good news – this course is entirely online, so you can join from any country, as long as you speak English and the Central European Time (CET) fits your schedule. However – please note that enrolling in our course doesn’t come with a VISA or a permit to stay in Hungary. (The course is led by Hungarian trainers and is organized by the Hungarian Codecool).

1. Share some basic data
We’ll ask you to give us your name, email, and phone number so we know where to reach you.

2. You answer a few questions
We want to ensure that everything checks out for you to start the course – the date, the language (B2 English knowledge), your motivation, and whether you are over 18.

3. We have a chat
We’ll invite you for a 30-minute online onboarding call. We’ll answer all your questions and make sure that Codecool is the right fit for you. You don’t need any tech background or special talent. What’s important is that you’re motivated enough.

Our full-stack programming course guarantees a job, but our short courses don’t. You’ll learn the skills and have the junior portfolio necessary for landing a junior position, but applying to jobs and securing your first position will be your task.
  • 1.8 GHz Intel Core i3 or more is recommended for optimal performance, especially for working on complex projects, using video backgrounds or sharing screens.
  • At least 4 GB of RAM, but 8 GB or more is recommended for optimal performance, especially for working on complex projects, using video backgrounds or sharing screens.
  • Windows 7 or later/ or: macOS 10.12 (Sierra) or later or Linux (most distributions should work, but performance may vary)
  • Google Chrome, Firefox, or Safari are recommended. Ensure that you are using the latest version of your browser for the best performance and compatibility.
  • A stable and fast internet connection is crucial as we will use cloud-based tools eg. Figma.
  • Webcam, Microphone and speakers
  • Figma and Zoom accounts (free plan)