
HTML5, CSS3, SVG, JavaScript / EcmaScript, React.js, Node.js / NPM, Express.js, HTTP, Git, GitHub …


Master the latest front-end and web development technologies and programming languages with us, while building essential soft skills.

Create lively designs, beautiful visual experiences and exciting interactions. Get ready for your shiny new tech career online, in 4-5 short months.

See Front-End Development courses across Codecool locations:

CoderGirl Scholarship is available for limited seats.

Study from anywhere

This immersive, mentor-led, online front-end developer course will get you ready for a future-proof tech career from anywhere in the world.

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CoderGirl Scholarship

Apply now, seats are limited. If you don’t get the scholarship, you still may be admitted to the course with the standard terms and conditions.

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You could be
a junior ….

Front-End Developer

WEB Developer

Interface designer

Interaction designer

Design a beautiful, digital future

As a front end developer, you may end up working on a web based application visited by thousands or even millions of people looking for important information, doing their groceries or just having fun. Or you’ll be designing an accessible app making life easier for a person with a disability. Or creating innovative tools for the next crowd-sourcing platform. The possibilities are endless. 

By the end of the course you will complete 10+ team projects, and be able to develop a web app yourself.

21st century tech stack
and prog languages

Valuable hard skills

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Future-proof soft skills

See all

You can do this, too​

You need zero tech background and no special talent to become a front-end developer. 

We’ll start from the basics and get you to a new career in a few months. Our mentors will guide you through this life-changing journey.

You just need to be over 18, speak good English (level B2 or above), smash a cool online logic game and pass an interview to start with us. Plus, you should have a strong drive to succeed.

Future-proof your career

The IT industry is growing rapidly, and it will continue to grow in the next 10 years. Our future under construction is largely unforeseeable, but definitely digital. 

The 2 skills that will help you succeed in the long run are coding and empathy. Work on both at our front-end development course and there’ll likely be a job waiting for you whatever the future will look like. 

If you want to play it super safe, why don’t you look at our job guaranteed full-stack course? 

The application process

We’ll ask you to give us your name, email, and phone number so we know where to reach you.
We want to make sure that everything checks out for you to start the course – the date, the location, the language, etc.
We’ll invite you for a 30-minute conversation in person or online. We’ll answer all your questions, and make sure that Codecool is the right fit for you.
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