“Love is in the air” – we got an award!


2 min read

We are so proud that we have won the Lovable Work Place Award again, for the third time this year.

Since this is an audience award, we actually got it from you. Thank you!

In 2020 1100 smaller and bigger companies entered the competition for the award. 195 were awareded finally, those that people thought were lovable work places based on any criteria.

The organiser DreamJobs believe that “every work place is lovable for a different reason“. They want people to get to know the most lovable work places in 2020, too, and show „why people like these companies, what is life like at them, beyond products and services”.

If you ask any of our colleagues why they like to work at Codecool, usually our values and goals are mentioned, together with our school’s atmosphere. That the vibe is always happy, buzzy, supportive and inspiring at the same time, and it’s really cool to be in there at a busy school day.

This makes the award even more special for us, since we also moved online this year and the school is silent now.

This means that you probably trust that we can go back to our usually lively school once more, and appreciate our flexibility managing the challenges this year.

It seems that we managed to preserve our special team spirit, openness and vibe online, too, for example with the virtual versions of our ceremonies. We start every day with a check-in and close the week with a fun session. We moved feedback café online, too, where we can all give and receive open feedback from each other. We still have a focus day every month, where we all think about challenges facing the school and the team. For example about how to celebrate Codecoolversaries, that is employees’ Codecool anniversaries. But we don’t just catch up in virtual meetings: our Random slack channel is also fun the check time-to-time for an inspiring video, a moving personal story or a geek joke. And last, but not least, at Codecool you’re also okay to check-out, since you get as many days off, as you need.

Again, thanks a lot for this award, it means a lot to us! We will do everything to stay a lovable work place in the future, too.

If you would like to work for us, check out our open positions -one of them may be waiting just for you. Or just send us your CV to [email protected]-ra.

Looking forward to talk you!

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