Interactive, attractive and user friendly – the hottest websites using JavaScript


3 min read

Can a website be hot? Well, we are sure that you have some pages in your mind that are very far away from being hot. The internet is still full of boring, not interactive or just simply ugly websites, but trust us, we can show you some real gems.

When talking about attractive websites JavaScript is almost unavoidable. JavaScript, the most popular programming language based on Stack Overflow’s Developer Survey has always been used to integrate interactive elements on websites, increase responsiveness and enhance user experience.

We have collected some of our favourite websites, also award-winning ones, to show you that creating websites can also be kind of an art. If you are a person, who likes that his/her job ends in a manifested result, frontend development could be a great career choice. And you can begin this career at Codecool, which we will talk about later. Let’s see those stunning websites first.

If you don’t have 10 minutes right now, don’t click on’s website. The UK-based creative studio wanted to catch everyone’s attention with its home page. Just grab your mouse or touchpad and steer the spotlight wherever you want on the website. It’ll be fun.

Did you always want to have a CV which stands out among the others? Well, Bruno Simon’s can give you some inspiration. The creative developer uses a 3D game project as a navigation tool in his portfolio. You can literally drive through his life and projects on the website. This might not be the fastest way to share information about your professional life, but we don’t think that recruiters complain much.

If you feel that there was too much interactiveness in the examples above and that design just overwrote function, here is a clear, fast and user-friendly website. This shows you that the wow factor can be present without feeling that you currently see a motion picture, not a website. Wired Avenue’s (a web and mobile developer agency) website is transparent, good to look at, easy to navigate, and every information can be accessed easily. That’s already pretty fair from a website.

+1, the Netflix app
Do you know what makes your Netflix app so fast? After talking on JavaScript so much, you won’t be surprised – node.js, a JavaScript runtime. With building a modular application on node.js they could reduce the startup time by 70%. Quite impressive, isn’t it?

Why do we love JavaScript besides the joy of having a super fast Netflix app in our hands when needed and being able to create kind of a contemporary art to the internet? Because it is a relatively easy language to start programming in. Recently we held an international JavaScript workshop for 300 participants, which proved that perfectly. After working two hours with JavaScript, attendees were able to develop their own quiz game.

As you can see, there is so much more for everyone in JavaScript programming than just doing a quiz for a lazy Saturday night.

Want to learn more?

Our Full-Stack Development and Front-End Development courses can make you a master in JavaScript (and many other technologies as well)!

Join Codecool and be the hero who saves us from boring, slow and not user friendly websites!

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