Learn Python first – and then become a pro developer in a year


4 min read

It’s always a good idea to start your programming journey with Python. Why? Because it’s easy to learn even for beginners and it’s also a lot of fun!

In the meantime you will understand if programming is something you would really enjoy or not. Also, it’s always easier to grasp and learn more complex languages better after learning Python first.

So let’s take a ride and explore this amazing prog language together, and see how to you could take your first steps towards a shiny new tech career.

Python is fun, easy to learn, and great to start your programming journey with. We chose this language to teach to our students first because we know that it’s easy to grasp and write, even for beginners. So let us take you on a ride to explore this language more deeply, and let’s uncover together how Codecoolers take the first steps towards their new career.

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The world’s go-to prog language was born as a side project

Python had a long, unexpected road to fame. Guido van Rossum, a Dutch programmer created the language back in the ‘80s in his free time during the Christmas holidays. His goal was to create the descendent of the general-purpose programming language called ABC. Guido named his pet project after Monthy Python’s Flying Circus, and thus, Python was born.

He could’ve never imagined what his creation would become in 30 years. It’s one of the most user-friendly, easy-to-write, and easy-to-read languages, and it was TIOBE’s top programming language for 4 years in a row. In 2021, Python finally took first place again and surpassed C as the most popular programming language.

Python has a million faces

The language is favoured by both small-medium enterprises and large corporations, since it’s so easy to write and read. It’s also famously renowned as the world’s current favourite for AI and data science programming – as companies try to gain leverage, they want to create next-level solutions and more personalised products using data and AI. And Python is the perfect language to get the job done. For example, Google Street View’s algorithm that processes house numbers is written in Python, just like Spotify’s feature that’s gonna recommend you your next fav song. Python is backed by giants like Facebook, Amazon Web Services, and especially Google, so it’s expected to grow and evolve even further in the coming years.

It’s also completely open-source, so members of the community can make their contributions to the Python ecosystem freely. Pre-written code, documentation, and support from the very active community are all easily available, and the language can be utilised in seemingly endless ways.

It’s the most common language used in scientific projects too, because it allows programming without rigid syntaxes. Python is perfect when there’s a need to write code that’s easily understandable by a lot of people, so put simply, it’s often the common language that programmers with different specialisations can speak. And when there’s a need to learn a programming language quickly to make processes more simple, it’s usually Python that most people can and are happy to learn in a short amount of time.

Learn the essentials of programming through Python

Based on how widely Python is used, you can be 100% sure that mastering it will give you great advantages in the job market. Since it’s so beginner-friendly and lacks rigid syntaxes, Python is the perfect language to start your coding career with.

This is why Python is the focus of the first module in our flagship full stack dev course. The first module will be about laying the groundwork for your programming career. If we think of landing your new tech job like the big picture, then this is the time to put the frame of the puzzle together.

From day 1, you’ll develop desktop tools in Python, and even games with AI-like minds that can take turns with the players. In the meantime you’ll learn how to:
– plan and carry out a project professionally,
– decompose problems,
– write clean code according to best practices, and
– work with the GIT version control system.

To make sure it all stick, we’ll make you the owner of your learning process. You’ll have self-instructed weeks where you’ll focus on your own projects and take time to deepen the knowledge you’ve gathered. And then, on alternate weeks, you’ll take on more complex projects with your bigger team, and you’ll also have a chance to demo and present your work and code.

You’ll also develop your soft skills – without even trying too hard. You’ll learn how to learn effectively, develop your communication skills while collaborating with others, and improve your planning skills as you learn how to design projects in a professional manner. You’ll learn how to search for information more effectively while you work on projects and go creative to find your own best solutions for various problems. You’ll give and receive valuable feedback from your mentors and peers all the way, so you’ll always know where you stand in your journey. 

Start your coding career today!

If you’ve been toying with the idea to learn Python, or want to start a pro tech career from scratch, get familiar with our Full-Stack Developer course. We can take you to a new programming career in a year, if you stand up to this very feasible challenge with us.

We start coding with Python, and then you’ll get to learn 3-5 programming languages on top of that. You’ll learn the latest, in-demand technologies and develop valuable soft skills. Our pro mentors’ will be there supporting and guiding you all the way.

If you go for our job guarantee too, you can be sure that at the end of the course a nice tech job will be waiting for you. And you can pay for the course afterwards, in convenient, monthly instalments, when you’re already earning a nice salary at your new tech job.

Sounds great, but still have questions left? We’re excited to hear from you, so get in touch! Let us answer all your burning questions, and help you start a new, future-proof tech career, once you’re ready for the ride.

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